This is from my first blog -Following the Will.
As I’m writing this, I have food cooking in the crockpot and its naptime.  But lets be honest. Around 10am i pulled food out of the freezer for lunch and saw a hambone. (Ham bone soup is the BEST meal ever, if you never had it, go find a hambone now.) Spur of the moment hambone soup time. However, 3 hours later, my house does not have the wonderful hambone soup smell. It smells like dog vomit. I have no idea why. Kids are not napping. In fact, I have said “Lay down!” 3 times since I have started typing this. So, why am I telling you this? Because that first sentence sounded like it was a glorious day in my house. It sounded like everything was going smooth and I have everything together. I’m over it. I’m over all these women having perfect homes, perfect kids, perfect marriages. They do their makeup everyday and always have perfectly polished nails. I’m starting to blog. I don’t have time to blog, but I’m starting too. I want all you women out there to know you aren’t alone. I too struggle everyday with my own issues that no other mother out there seems to have. My biggest problem: I want to do it all and I try to do it all. I have so many things I want to do. Instead of listing it all, I think I can sum it up pretty easily. I want to be a woman who lived a long time ago. The woman who lived on her farm with her growing family, raising everyone and everything as purely as she can. I really hope I can inspire you to figure out what is important to you and help you prioritize things so you can live life the way God intended YOU to live. Not the way He intended another woman to live.  I also hope you will come back and visit me as I start posting about my crazy life filled with God, goats, chickens, kids, food, and a lot of struggles along the way as I learn how to handle this thing called LIFE.


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